Sunday, June 20, 2010

Dad's Day

I truly have the privilege of knowing the greatest of fathers.

My dad, of course, who is also the greatest of granddads.

The father of my Ivy.  'You are the most important man in her life.'  [Meeker] ...and mine.

The father of the man of my dreams for which I am eternally grateful.

And, the father of the greatest nieces that ever lived.  [It is my sisterly duty to post incriminating photos of my brother.  Just look at that dedication toward entertaining my nieces.  That's love, right there.]

With love from Ivy, to family and to all of our friends who are fathers.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Quick Posts

Between tending to Ivy and trying to get somethings done around the house, I think it might be easier to do a 'quick post' per day rather than rally for a bit post once every couple of weeks.  So, here is the first installation.

Here we are getting ready to attend a wedding, which was a beautiful wedding, by the way.  The ambiance was very unique - fog over Lake Michigan - and I've never seen a wedding dress that was so gorgeous.  No bride could have worn it better.

Ivy is shown here in her dress and shrug (who knew they made strugs for babies?!?).  She is also shown sporting the 'tongue', which we have now determined to be in our DNA. 
 Mom (me) is shown sporting a necklace intended both for aesthetic function and for infant entertainment.

We had a lovely time at the ceremony and dinner.  Despite that we found our car battery dead when we left and had to rely on some very reliable and super kind people to jump us (We are very grateful!!!), we will definitely have fond memories of Ivy's first wedding.