Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Chair Seat Cushion

When I was little, I had this cute little rocking chair.

I only vaguely remember sitting in it when I was little, but I definitely remember it being in the house.  Apparently, sometime during my teenage years, my mom submitted it for entry in a neighborhood rummage sale.  It did not sell, and ended up in the basement of my best friend's parents' house.  Ten or more years later, my friend's mom cleaned it up and gifted it to me at my baby shower.  Is that not too cool?!?  I'm so grateful and excited to share the story with Ivy when she is old enough to understand.

The rocking chair did have a pretty old and worn seat cushion, which I decided I wanted to replace.

I took this drawstring bag in which the animal print shower curtain (which I used to make Ivy's window curtains from) was dressed. 

I ripped all the seams, removed the drawstring, ironed the fabric flat, measured and cut the fabric to approximate the dimensions of the original cushion with a 1/2 inch seam allowance, and found ribbon of coordinating colors for the tie strings.  I pinned the right sides together, pinned the ribbons in the corners, and stitched the perimeter with the allocated seam leaving about 2 inches open to be able to stuff the cushion with padding.  Then I used some excess quilting batting cut into small pieces to stuff the cushion.  I stitched the opening closed and then used matching yarn to pull the two sides together.

I then fashioned it onto the chair.

Now some pictures just for fun....
Sometimes when she is talking and smiling in her bouncy chair, she does this motion that reminds me of a 'punching nun doll'.

We bundled her up for a winter walk around the neighborhood.

Here she is napping in the trusty baby carrier that never lets us down when she's tired and refuses to fall asleep.

Ivy's currently recovering from her Dr. appointment yesterday, where she got 3 shot vaccines.  She's doing really well - little fussing but lots of napping.   She's getting so grown up (tear).


John and Franie said...

Another clever idea that turned out great. We like the cushion and we love the very cute pictures of Ivy.

raggamuffinchild said...

The cushion turned out great! I love the idea of having heirlooms to pass on to the next generation. Ivy will love sitting in that little chair reading books!