Monday, February 1, 2010

The Battle of the Naptime

HaHa!  Parent 1 - Baby 0.  (Whatever, we all know I'm down about 100, but I have to act like I have the upper hand in this parent-child the very least to maintain my sanity.)

I got her to sleep in her crib.  That's right, Ladies and Gentlemen.  After the first nine weeks of struggling to get Ivy to sleep in her crib during naptime, I have succeeded.  Her father will be so proud.

Proof lies in the images below.  I apologize for the poor image quality again - I did not want to use the flash in case it might wake the sleeping babe.

Ok, ok...probably not the ideal situation, but I have to be happy about the baby steps.  I'm worried about Ivy going to daycare in a few weeks, so I had to convince myself that it could be done and that the daycare would be able to get her to sleep under their terms (ie. not being held all day).  
Worst case = the daycare can get her to sleep in her car seat, and 
Best case = I can slowly acclimate her to 'sleeping in her crib' via the car seat and maybe get her to eventually actually sleep in the crib (whatever makes me sleep at night, right? - when I am able to sleep between feedings, anyway).


John and Franie said...

Yeah for Mom! It looks like a good plan, Ivy looks cozy and comfortable too.

raggamuffinchild said...

There are no rules. You just have to do what works for you all. Ivy looks happy and she napped, so that is all that matters. It's a victory! :)